Tuesday, December 5, 2006

In the beginning...

Hi there. Welcome to my life.

We all need a means to escape, somewhere to go to away from school, life, family, whatever. For me, I enjoy shopping, going out with my girlfriends, working out, and, above all, spending precious time with my oh-so-darling boyfriend.

The Boyf? He loves his Xbox360. Loves it. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES it. To the point where he doesn't answer the phone, answer a text, answer an IM for HOURS on end because he's so involved in an online game of Gears of War with a 12 year old in California.

So, to occupy my hours of free time sitting in his apartment waiting him to get "just one more kill, baby!" before we can go out....now I have an outlet to share my thoughts with you, dear reader.

Am I being a bitchy, whiny, jealous girlfriend? Should I be thankful he's interested in a stupid game as opposed to chasing tail all over town? Maybe. But I don't care. I can't take it anymore. F*ck the Xbox.


Average Jane said...

No no darling. You are right on the money. I, however, have trained my monkey to only play his computer games when I am at least one state away. Which never happens. Try withholding sex. Worked wonders for me. =) ROVE RISA

Katherine said...

Personally, I believe that the answer to your problem is for something unfortunate to happen to the XBox. Not very ethical, I know. But accidents happen...

Evil Conservative Achiever said...

ur all just playa hatin n shit

if sumthin happenz 2 meh xbox their will b HELL 2 pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11one

Katherine said...

Who is this angry short person who keeps posting?

Debra said...

Appears to be some illiterate xbox-loving teenager. Seriously, what has happened to the youth of America?

aimee said...

xboxes have to go
i cannot take anymore
my boyfriend
soon to be exboyfriend if something unfortunate dosent happen to it
im loosing my patients with
i honestly think
he would prefer to have sex with that than me

Fashonion said...
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Blondie said...

I adore the fact that I was looking for something like this to make me feel better - really - I feel like writing one myself!...My bf ADORES his Xbox360! Current love = Halo Wars - the reason I know he loves it? His current world ranking for 3v3 is in the top 10, was 4 the last time I pretended I cared! He will answer his phone but thats because he knows that there will be HELL if he doesnt answer and he will actually have to spend some time with me while we discuss why he shows more affection to taking part in "locus building" and "head shots" with the same sort of people around the globe instead of being with me! Have contemplated with-holding the sex...but even after 6months I'm hoping one day he will wake up and realise that I can give more than the box can...have stood one a cable accidentally - sadly the box was against me from stopping my bf playing with me and decided that my stillettos just WERENT going to snap the outer casing...also I have tried many distracting techniques (worked wonders in past!) - NOPE - NOTHING - just a glance and back to sniping out fellow players...have resorted to The Sims and telling my friends - much more fun to see their responces to tales of my antics! DOWN WITH THE XBOX!!!

Sipes said...

I do not know you and I am pretty sure this is a REALLY old post. Either way, I hate the Xbox as well. I'm 25, my boyfriend is 27 and still plays it. ALL day long. Literally - 9:30 am until 6pm. I'm not sure what happened with the move in situation, but I really hope you didn't go through with it. After you live together, the xbox usage increases. Good luck.

jadealice said...

Myself: "what the hell would you do if your 360 broke?"

Nick(bf): "probably see you everyday"

That made me feel like shit, I know seeing your bf everyday could be a bad thing, or could it? What happens when you move in together?!

I never strike a conversation with him over MSN anymore because it'll be hours before I get not even a conversation contributed reply and when I call him all I hear is "one shot on my ex".

I'm just going to ramble on my life story right now but I love this guy and I need help! I have an xbox and yeah all my friends do drugs so its something to do in my spare time, but I hate it when he has the opportunity to talk to me and he doesn't because he's too busy being the "best at Halo3"

I don't know how to talk to him about it without him getting annoyed. Anyone had a success story yet?

Blondie said...

So....the last time I posted Id been with the lad for 6 months - now it is past 9 months and he still loves the box...Prototype a (most of you will prob have seen an advert for it) came out recently and he literally played it from when he bought it until he completed it...it didnt matter that I was upstairs in bed alone...it didnt matter that he rolled into bed at 7am the say were supposed to be going out and doing something! Nope...none of it got through...

I cant complain too much as he has become a lot better and appreciates me as a gf more but we still have our bad moments like when I go over to talk to him and hes more intersted in playing or when I call him and I can hear the chat parties and xbox "blipping" in the background...makes me feel really miserable considering I will soon be in Ibiza with no contact to him as its a villa in the top of the mountains and hes off to the USA...I invited him to come to Ibiza with me - his reply: "Can I bring the xbox?"

Point made!

Emzi said...

I'm away at uni most of the time, which gives my boyfriend plenty of time on his Xbox. When I come to his, which is up to 2 weeks at a time and even then he has to play on his Xbox. One weekend I came to his and he had lost his Xbox cable and for the rest of the weekend he was in the biggest mood ever. He hardly talked to me.

I have found one way to stop him playing his Xbox is when he comes to mind for the summer. I love on an island in the middle of know were and at my house, I have NO, internew, so he can't play WoW, I don't have Sky, so he can't watch game channels and I don't have a modern enough tv to have an Xbox set up on it.

But when I'm at his, I don't exciste and when I leave the house, he doesn't notice.
I'm very close to leaving him and if I went, I think it would only beafit hi
as he will not have anyone to nag him.

I'm totaly against the Xbox.

Emzi said...
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lhargrove22 said...

my boyfriend is on everyday and every second of his life to the point i want to throw the thing away it is destroying our relationship and he doesn't understand that. idk what to do or how to handle it any thoughts?