Thursday, December 7, 2006

Impending Family Drama

Why study for finals when you can update your new little blog? Exactly.

Well, the Boyf and I are off to Baltimore for family-related-goings-on this weekend. We've been "barely" speaking, so it'll be interesting to see how this goes.

Frankly, most of this stems from the fact that he is downright refusing to get a damn haircut for the event. After freely admitting that he needed one, now that I've suggested it.....oh, well, there's no way it's going to happen. Lovely.

If this wasn't the first time he's meeting MY ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY, I probably wouldn't care. And maybe I shouldn't care. I love him, shaggy-hair and all, so my family should too. But the fact that he doesn't even recognize that this event means a lot to me and won't go out of his way ONE TINY BIT TO GET A STUPID HAIRCUT AND NOT LOOK HOMELESS is really irritating me.

So, deciding to end the two-day silence we'd been enjoying, I tried to explain all this to him.

His response: "You do realize I'm flying to Baltimore with you for an entire weekend two days before my LAW SCHOOL FINALS because this is important to you, right?"


Boyf - 1. Me - 0. For now.

1 comment:

Evil Conservative Achiever said...

c their r 2 sidez 2 evry storee

i waz gunna git meh harecut n shit neway n tyme 2 go 2 c da fam butt sum1 had 2 git all cylent n shit at da lizzzzard n on da whey back so 2 kan b dificalt n shit n play dat gaym

meh xbox neva gits all pizzd off dat i have knot takin a baf or brushed meh teef like sum1

meh xbox showzz uncondishonal luv